The Mighty VH, FAQ
General booking information:
1. How can a promoter or booking agent contact the band?
The band can be reached by e-mail or phone. Please visit the Contact page for more information.
2. Does the band have an equipment rider available?
Yes, you can find our backline/equipment rider on the Production page if needed.
3. Does the band have promotional photos and logos?
Yes, you can download logos in jpeg and transparent png, as well as high resolution promotional pics from our Production page.
4. How many members are in the band?
The band has four members;
Mason-Guitar, Shane-lead vocals, Gregg-bass guitar, Mike-drums. We also have sound techs, lighting techs, and stage crew available for some shows. Please contact us for additional info regarding party size, travel details, and crew availability for your event.
5. How long is the show?
The Mighty VH custom tailors every performance to fit the need of each event; from one 45 minute set to multiple sets or even a two and a half hour show.
6. Is the show family-friendly?
Absolutely. Every show is tailored to meet the needs of the purchaser, venue, and audience. We love performing all-age venues, fairs, and public events. And always provide a high energy, fun-filled show for every audience, every time.
7. Which songs do you perform?
All of the Roth-era songs, and more.
8. Is the show live?
We use a pre-recorded keyboard track on one song, everything else is 100% live!
9. What types of venues are you available for?
Anywhere you need a fun filled night of classic Van Halen; Festivals, State/County Fairs, Carnivals, Cruises, Theaters and auditoriums, Bike-week events, Casinos, Corporate and private events, and more.
10. Where are you available to travel to and perform?
Nationwide and internationally. We are frequent flyers, road ready, and have passports.

Basic Band info, FAQ
1. How long has the band been together?
TMVH officially launched as a full time Van Halen Tribute in 2019. But our history as a band dates back to the mid 90’s, including an earlier incarnation of our Van Halen tribute started in 2001. You can read more about us in our "About The Band" section.
2. How can I contact a band member?
You can reach us through our email form on the contact page.
3. Where are some of the places TMVH have performed?
The list is long and always growing, we have played in clubs, casinos, fairs and festivals nationwide. Some highlights include the Les Paul pavilion in Wisconsin, Rockin’ the river in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio, and Many Hard Rock and House of Blues venues in multiple states, as well as numerous private and corporate events all over the country.
4. Does the band have merchandise for sale?
yes! you can buy TMVH t-shirts and swag in our online store.
5. What kind of Guitar and equipment does Mason use to achieve the Van Halen sound?
Mason plays EVH guitars as well as some highly customized Charvel, Ibanez, and Kramer guitars, all replicas of various “frankenstrat” models. For amplification, Mason uses EVH 5150iii, Peavy 5150, or Peavey 6505 guitar amps. He also plays through a variety of vintage pedals, a Boss OC-3 Super Octave, Seymour Duncan Diamondhead Multistage Distortion, and a few modern MXR pedals and effects processors. Come talk to us after the show, Mason loves to talk gear and we like making new friends.
6. Where can i see an upcoming show?
Our upcoming show dates can be found on our Gigs Page.
Website FAQ
1. Who do I contact for website questions or issues?
Our webmaster can be reached through the email form on our contact page , please include "attention webmaster" in the subject line.